Questions on Financial Wellness

These questions pertaining to financial wellness are to be addressed by the school during the accreditation visit chair’s initial compliance visit.

SAIS Financial Wellness Questions

Does the school have a balanced budget in current year, without reserves?

Did the school have a balanced budget in the prior year, without reserves?

Does the school anticipate a balanced budget next year, without reserves?

Are any unrestricted assets/accumulated surpluses available for a budget deficit?

Does the school use deferred tuition to pay for current year expenses?

Does the school maximize auxiliary programs for additional revenue?

Is the school able to meet the current year annual fund budget?

Has the annual fund budget declined over the last three years?

Does the school have a target endowment per student?

Is the school able to realize the net tuition goals in each of the last three years?

Have the net assets on the audit report increased over that of the prior year?

Is the school able to meet the debt service ratio?

What are the salaries/benefits as a percentage of the operating budget?

What is the tuition as a percentage of the total revenue?

Is application volume consistent year-to-year?

Is the acceptance rate decreasing?

Is the yield rate increasing?