The SAIS Board of Trustees has established the SAIS Accreditation Committee to oversee the accreditation services. The committee is charged with the following duties:
Accredited schools must submit a two-year interim report to SAIS after the team visit. This report ensures continued compliance with standards/indicators and documents efforts made in addressing the visiting team’s recommendations and the school’s self-study goals.
Schools must remain a member in good standing with all annual membership dues paid in full and abide by policies and procedures.
Accredited schools must notify SAIS in a timely manner of a substantive change using this form. Changes may include: head of school change, other leadership changes, adding or contracting grade levels, merger, name change, mission change, major construction, crisis situation, litigation, school closure, other changes. In the event of a substantive change, SAIS may request additional information or conduct a visit to the school.
SAIS schools are required to implement and maintain a records retention system that meets applicable governmental requirements for all operating, financial, personnel, and student records (SAIS Indicator 5.12). The records retention system applies to paper and electronic records, includes appropriate back-up systems, and details consistent processes for records destruction. In states where no guidance is provided by governmental agencies, SAIS schools should consult with the SAIS office to ensure appropriate access and maintenance of all relevant records in the event of school closure. SAIS does not maintain or archive student or personnel records from any school. If you are looking for records from a school that has closed, please contact the department of education in the local district where the school was located.
Terms of accreditation are generally for five years commencing on July 1 and concluding on June 30. Schools must host a visiting team prior to the expiration of their term of accreditation and during the same semester of their previous accreditation if a re-accreditation visit and within three years of becoming a candidate for accreditation if an initial accreditation. Any variance to an accreditation timeline must be approved by SAIS. The visit will demonstrate the school’s integrity and trustworthiness in complying with standards and responding to previous recommendations. A new self-study is required for each five-year period reflecting evidence of continuous improvement. SAIS will typically notify schools of their visit 18-24 months prior and will ask the school to complete a Request for Participation form.
Stakeholders may file a non-compliance complaint against a school. Upon receipt and verification of a non-compliance report, the school will be given an opportunity to respond to the inquiry. The inquiry, response, and any subsequent written correspondence on the matter may be made available to the accreditation visiting team chair on the next accreditation visit. However, an immediate investigative visit to the school may be undertaken if the response by the school is unsatisfactory or an accumulation of complaints indicates that a school’s response is inconsistent with a preponderance of evidence. As is frequently the case, if a school’s practices are bordering on non-compliance, a discussion that is triggered by a non-compliance complaint is often a catalyst to remedy such practices. In the event that a school is not compliant, a series of actions will be undertaken with the school such as but not limited to: a request to remedy the non-compliance issue, placing the school on warned status or probation, and an ultimate action of dropping accreditation.
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