The SAIS School Community Feedback Survey is designed to be used every two to three years. During the intervening years, the school may want to do a quick check in with stakeholders to gauge the current school climate. The NPS Stand Alone Survey has been designed to fill this need.

The SAIS NPS Stand Alone Survey collects some of the same demographic data, asks one question, and provides an opportunity for narrative feedback. The question asked is, “On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is not likely and 10 is very likely, how likely are you to recommend the school to friends and colleagues?

The Net Promoter Score® (NPS)

The NPS is a quick way to gather feedback from your stakeholder groups. The survey labels only the extremes – 1 is not likely and 10 is very likely. The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of “detractors,” those who select 1-6 to answer the question, from the percentage of “promoters,” those who select 9 or 10 to answer the question.

Survey Reports

The SAIS NPS Stand Alone Survey will be reported by stakeholder group with disaggregation of school divisions and number of years associated with the school. Unedited narrative comments are included alongside the NPS and stakeholder group.

The member price for the NPS Stand Alone Survey is $250, non-member price is $500. Please note that the survey must be ordered at least ten (10) days prior to the deployment date. Register for the survey here.

For more info, contact