As of September 25, 2024, SAIS has 394 member schools from 15 US states, the Caribbean, and Latin America, making SAIS the largest regional independent school association in the country. SAIS represents over 241,028 students.
Of member schools, 52% are secular and 48% are non-secular.
Total enrollment in SAIS member schools is over 241,028 students.
While 94% of SAIS member schools are coeducational, 3% are male-only and 3% are female-only.
SAIS member schools are also active in other independent school organizations:
The oldest school was founded in 1728; the newest school was founded in 2021. Median school age is 54 years.
The smallest school has 19 students; the largest has 2,701 students. Median enrollment is 489. Average enrollment is 612.