As we create job descriptions and prepare interview questions, what skills are most important to the mission and vision of the school?
SAIS is developing responsibility and skills lists for a number of positions. These lists offer sample language from a variety of sources to help craft or review a position description. Several examples are provided to allow schools to choose those that best match the mission and culture of the school and the requirements of the specific position.
If the pandemic has taught us anything, we have learned that the skills required to be successful in the current reality have moved beyond organization and time management. Listening in on our virtual roundtables, we often hear that now, more than ever, the ability to build and maintain relationships is what sets our schools apart. Throughout school closures, virtual learning, and masked in-person interactions, those that were able to develop and maintain relationships have demonstrated the resilience needed to survive and thrive.
So, what does this mean as we enter hiring season for teachers, department leaders, and non-instructional positions? As we create job descriptions and prepare interview questions, what skills are most important to the mission and vision of the school?
The Center for Creative Leadership offers six skills for middle managers like division and department heads.
Dr. Joseph Lathan from the University of San Diego identifies 10 traits of successful school leaders.
Financial Management encourages organizations to think outside the box when identifying skills for finance professionals, although you may find these four apply to several positions in the school.
As you think about the desired skills for a new or open position, look beyond the traditional and focus on the abilities and expertise that will allow your new hire the flexibility and feeling of belongingness to make a great contribution to the mission and vision of the school.